
During a panel discussion led by Collin Hansen at TGCW22, Jackie Hill Perry, Preston Perry, Melissa Kruger, and Michael Kruger discuss what it looks like to have healthy, godly marriages. Both couples emphasize the need for respect, listening, authenticity, and confession. The panel also talks about the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of your spouse and being for your spouse in every situation, never trying simply to win an argument.

Hansen asks questions like “How do you protect your marriage?” and “What does it mean to honor your spouse’s family?” The couples talk about the importance of pursuing healthy friendships, having fun together, and praying for one another daily. They say marriage is a reflection of the individual’s relationship with God and that as you both look to Christ together, more unity in marriage inevitably follows.

Editors’ note: 

Read more from Melissa Kruger in her new children’s book about envy, Lucy and the Saturday Surprise (TGC/Crossway). Purchase through the TGC Bookstore or Amazon.

In a season of sorrow? This FREE eBook will guide you in biblical lament

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