The Heart of Paul’s Theology

Discover the Heart of Paul’s Gospel Proclamation and Apostolic Ministry

In partnership with Third Millennium Ministries

Course Introduction

About the Course

Paul passionately proclaimed the good news of individual salvation in Jesus Christ. But this wasn’t the heart of Paul’s gospel.

According to Paul, salvation is not primarily about individuals being saved from the wrath of God. Rather, the gospel is about the triumph of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. It is about God redeeming and recreating the heavens and the earth through Jesus Christ, and about our participation in that renewed world.

Course Goals:

  • Orient students to Paul’s apostolic ministry.
  • Describe Paul’s central message and worldview.
  • Summarize the structure, content, original meaning and modern application of Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and 1 & 2 Corinthians.
About Third Millennium Ministries

The mission of Third Millennium Ministries is to prepare Christian leaders to lead a transformation of the world into God’s Kingdom by providing biblical education, for the world, for free.

Their top priority is to spread the will of God to every corner of the earth through the gospel of Christ. So, Third Millennium Ministries is preparing an in-depth biblical education for Christian leaders around the world in their languages, for their lands, and absolutely free.

This mission is being fulfilled at this very moment using various mediums for distributing learning content: DVD, online streaming, radio, satellite, TV broadcast, smartphone apps, USB flash drives, and SD cards.

To learn more about Third Millennium Ministries, click here.

Paul and His Theology

This lecture explores Paul’s theology, how his beliefs related to his ministry as well as his central theological outlooks.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • What details do we know about Paul’s background?
  • Did Paul replace the Old Testament with faith in Christ?
  • How has the Reformed tradition viewed the relationship between the Old and New Testament?
  • How can Gentiles be counted as Jews and perfect law-keepers in Christ?
  • How do Christians receive Christ’s status?
  • If we are counted as perfect in Christ, why did Jesus exhort us to be perfect?
  • How do the natural and the supernatural intersect in our lives?
  • Is God going to restore the earth or destroy it?
  • How is Christ present in the sacraments?
  • How did the early church feel about the delay of Christ’s return?
  • How does the delay of Christ’s return affect daily Christian living?
  • How far should we go in trying to become all things to all people?
  • Did Paul embrace the entire Old Testament, or only some of its teachings?
  • Should modern missionary strategies be based on Paul’s example?
  • Can Christians divide from each other in a godly way?
  • Should our theology be academic or practical?
  • What are some practical ways to maintain spirituality in an academic setting?
  • Is it dangerous to reconstruct Paul’s theology?
  • How can our imaginations help us understand Scripture?
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Paul and the Galatians

This lecture explores the Background of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, the content of Galatians and Paul’s central theological outlooks.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • How is our interpretation of Galatians affected by its date and original audience?
  • Why did Paul reject the unbelieving Jews in Acts 13?
  • Why did Paul use such strong language in his letter to the Galatians?
  • Are any modern errors comparable to the errors in Galatia?
  • Why did Paul oppose Peter so strongly in Galatians 2?
  • Did Paul believe that God had different plans for Israel and the church?
  • Why did Paul reject circumcision in Galatians but later allow Timothy to be circumcised?
  • Should the modern church blend and reconcile its various cultures?
  • What is the relationship between law and grace?
  • Is it possible to place too much emphasis on grace and not enough on law?
  • Did Paul inappropriately interpret the Old Testament in light of Jesus?
  • Why did Paul allegorize the stories of Hagar and Sarah in Galatians 4?
  • Are there any problems with under-realized eschatology in the modern church?
  • What problems are associated with over-realized eschatology?
  • How do we live in light of the new creation?
  • What is the connection between the Holy Spirit and living by faith?
  • What is the role of the Holy Spirit at the present time?
  • Why did Paul emphasize his authority so greatly in Galatians?
  • How do we resolve tensions between the gospel and the teachings of the church?
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Paul and the Thessalonians

This lecture investigates the background to Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, examines the structure and content of First and Second Thessalonians, and reveals his eschatology.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • Did Paul sin by refusing to take John Mark on his second missionary journey?
  • Why did the Holy Spirit prevent Paul from ministering in Asia?
  • What do 1 & 2 Thessalonians teach about the timing of Christ’s return?
  • How can we hope in Christ’s return without forming inappropriate expectations?
  • How does diligent work in worldly occupations benefit our Christian witness?
  • Who is or was the “man of lawlessness”?
  • How can we discern false prophets and false teachers today?
  • How can we affirm hard work without overemphasizing prosperity?
  • Is laxity always sin?
  • What can younger, poorer Christians learn from the example of older, well-to-do Christians?
  • How do we deal with churches and church leaders that advocate false teachings?
  • When is it legitimate to leave a church?
  • What unique contributions do Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians make to our theology?
  • Why did Paul say that believers that had died were “asleep”?
  • How should Christ’s imminent return impact our view of building the kingdom?
  • How does the Holy Spirit separate us from the world without taking us out of the world?
  • How common were forgeries when the Bible was being written?
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Paul and the Corinthians

This lecture explores the background to Paul’s letters to the Corinthians, examines the structure and content of First and Second Corinthians, and reveals his eschatology.

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This companion video answers the following questions:

  • How well did Paul really know his readers?
  • Why did the Corinthians have so many problems?
  • Are there similarities between the divisions in Corinth and modern denominations?
  • Should modern denominations work toward reunification with each other?
  • Is denominationalism a sin?
  • Should congregations seek outside counsel to solve problems?
  • How should Christians respond to those who are weaker in faith?
  • Why is the collection for the church in Jerusalem so important to Paul?
  • Should Christians send money to churches in modern Jerusalem?
  • How is faith as intellectual content related to faith as personal trust?
  • According to Paul, what is the great hope for Christians?
  • Why does Paul connect spiritual gifts so strongly to love?
  • Why is love greater than faith and hope?
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